Way to English, Corp is organized exclusively for educational and religious purposes as specified in Section 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt under Section 501 ( c ) (3 ).
Way to English, Corp is a 501(c )(3) corporation, as officially designated by the IRS, which means that your donations are potentially tax deductions for you on your income tax.
Click the following button to DONATE with your Pay Pal Account or Any Major Credit Card
You will receive an official receipt for each donation received via email as well as an end of year summary sent to your email for income tax purposes ONLY for those people that send more than $50.00, and give multiple times over a 12 month period..
If you have NOT received your tax deductible receipt via your email id within 48 business hours, or have any problems when completing the donation process, please send an email to donations@waytoenglish.org . Email sent to this ID will be responded to within 48 hou