Our Mission Statement
Way To English, Corp provides training in conversational English, and to some extent, religious training to non-American groups, schools, individuals, and organizations. China is the primary focus for WTEC; however, all other nationalities are included. WTEC accomplishes its mission via the following pathways:
- Lessons are provided for individuals and/or groups.
- Lessons are based on the material the host community provides, commercially available resources, and/or Religious courses developed specifically by Way To English, Corp personnel for an identified population.
- Conversational English is seen as an important skill for international communication and is also a path to introduce Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible is the source of religious training.
- Way To English, Corp’s belief system is Judeo-Christian. An ecumenical approach is taken. Way To English, Corp defines Judeo-Christian as “Christianity that uses both the Old and New Testament and is borne out of Jesus’ declaration that He is God and the Savior of the world.